Бека Саладин е графички дизајнер, која од мала ја фасцинираат историјата и археологијата.

За да им ги приближи на луѓето историските настани и личности, одлучила да ги искористи своите вештини и да им покаже како би изгледале денес некои од познатите славни ликови од историјата.

На нејзината листа се историски личности кои ги има замислено во денешно, модерно време како Александар Македонски (Велики), Цезар, кралицата Нефертити, Џејн Остин, Абрахам Линколн, Наполеон и други.



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I hope nobody here will get tired of my Anne Boleyn posts…she is my favorite historical figure so you may get quite a few 🙂 Many people asked me last time I posted Anne if I really thought her features (specifically her lips) were really that delicate – and I don’t think they were. Tudor portraiture often de-emphasized these features, so I modified my finished version to reflect what I think is probably her more likely appearance. Since it’s the holiday season, one of my favorite ghost stories is the story of Anne appearing underneath the great oak tree at Hever Castle, her childhood home, every Christmas day. Do you all have a favorite historic ghost story? Hope you all have a great holiday season! ?? . Credit for left image: Wikimedia Commons, United States Public Domain, right image base: © Glenn Francis, www.pacificprodigital.com

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I’ve been resisting doing Cleopatra for some time, simply because there aren’t many reliable depictions of her, and most descriptions of her by historians were made after her death. However, I’ve gotten so many requests for her, I wanted to give you all what you’ve been asking for ? . . The closest thing we have are Roman busts from the first century BCE, around the time that Cleopatra would have been visiting Rome. I chose to base my recreation off of the Berlin Bust of Cleopatra, which was thought to have been created around 46-44 BCE. I chose this bust because most of the depictions of her include common features – a strong nose, full lips, and small chin. It’s also hard to tell what her skin & hair colors were – most descriptions describe her as dark haired and “honey-skinned”, but some even say she was a redhead. Consider this my “Artist’s Rendition” of a way that she could have possibly looked. Bottom line, Cleopatra was an amazing woman. She was intelligent, witty, spoke several languages, and was incredibly skilled in diplomacy. I really enjoyed learning more about her during research for this recreation! . . Further Research & Reading about her looks: . Encyclopedia Britannica article on what Cleopatra looked like: https://www.britannica.com/story/what-did-cleopatra-look-like . Some other reconstructions of Cleopatra: https://mysticalraven.com/art/11764/scientists-reveal-what-cleopatra-really-looked-like . Ancient Egyptian Mummy Genome article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5459999/ . Wikipedia entry on the Egyptian Race Controversy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_race_controversy . . . #Cleopatra #AncientEgypt #Sculpture #MarkAntony #JuliusCaesar #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

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Caligula, infamous brat & Roman Emperor. Does he look like you thought he would? ?

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