Потрагата по венчаница на Австралијанката, Кајли Мулкахи, и се чинела како кошмар, бидејќи се плашела дека нема да ја собере ниту една со нејзините 120 килограми.

Токму тоа ја мотивирало да го смени својот начин на живот и до венчавката во март 2019 година, таа изгубила над 50 килограми и без проблем влегла во големина 38!

Во битката со килограмите тргнала во 2016 година, кога земала приватен тренер, кој и одредил диета и план за вежбање. Исхраната и се состоела претежно од зеленчук и протеини, а редовно земала протеински шејкови.


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If you asked me a year ago that today I would be standing here 50kgs lighter and wearing size 10 clothes I would not believe you. This week marks a year ago that my boyfriend and I were getting ready to start a 6 week challenge. He was doing the challenge through his gym and I decided to do it with him at home so we could meal prep together. That way we weren’t eating seperate meals and I could support him instead of sitting down eating tasty foods while he was eating kale ? My weight loss journey was never really like the typical journey where I was unhappy, I was never ever Bullied for me weight (at least not to my face lol) I didn’t have goals and there was no beginning progress pics of me looking sad and fat in a “before” underwear or bikini photo it just kind of happened naturally. 6 weeks later the challenge was over Adam had lost about 15kgs and I was down 10kgs. We were both pretty impressed and happy with our efforts. For the first time my body was responding to something. I had finally found something that worked for my PCOS. We both decided to stick to a healthy eating lifestyle and continue to workout daily. 12 months later here I am a total of 50kgs down and so incredibly happy with life and my health. My pcos is still very much apart of me as much as I wish it would disappear and never come back. I still have symptoms & my cycles are so ridiculous, I’m actually going back to see what’s going on there. But I’m a million times healthier then I was a year ago. I now have control over my body instead of pcos having control of me. I am so thankful for my incredible partner @ironaddy666 for sticking by me this past year. We have both been hangry together and had fights with the scales, but not once did we ever give up or fight with each other hehe. We have kept the weight off, We work out together as often as we can. We have learnt so much about each and can now share a new bond through finding a passion for our health and fitness. I couldn’t have gotten through this year without you and I probably would never have started without you either so I owe my transformation to you. Here’s to another year of smashing goals and living life together ☺

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Таа изгубила 15 килограми, но вистинскиот губиток започнал дури кога и биле дијагностицирани полицистични јајници.

Нутриционистот тогаш и рекол да ги елиминира млечните производи и глутенот од нејзината исхрана. Тој нов план за исхрана во комбинација со редовно вежбање резултирал со драматично слабеење!


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Results happen overtime, not over night. Work hard, stay consistent, be patient & believe in yourself. Never quit! If you stumble get back up! What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today is a brand new day & a fresh start. What are you going to do with your day? Set a goal & smash it! Then be proud of yourself for doing it. It’s all about baby steps and progress not perfection. Let’s set goals together & kick PCOS in the butt one Cyster at a time ☺️?? Let me know if you have a daily or weekly goal you set for yourself. Always make sure ur goals are realistic & obtainable. Do you aim to do a workout each day? Drink a certain amount of water? Eat certain foods or amounts of meals? Go to sleep at a certain time? Or even allow time for rest & you time. Goals are limitless I’d love to know yours! Xxx

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После сето тоа, во 2018 година, таа се упатила по венчаница и ја нашла совршената.

„Моите тетки плачеа кога ме видоа на свадбата во март оваа година“, изјави таа.


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When a Bride says she wants to sit down….she sits down! Thanks boys ??? #bestbridalparty

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